The Body

im-possible courses

Pepper the robot interacts with human
The theories we will study and discuss encompass the most foundational, innovative, and influential thinking on the body in the modern, postmodern, and posthuman eras.


1. Continental Aesthetics, Critical Theory, and the Body

2. The Body and Idealism: German Aesthetics: Kant and Hegel

3. The Body Existenz: Phenomenology and Hermeneutics: Husserl, Heidegger, Gadamer, and Levinas

4. The Body Existenz: Phenomenology and Existentialism: Sartre and Merleau-Ponty

5. The Ideological Body: The Frankfurt School: Lukács, Benjamin, Horkheimer, Adorno, Marcuse, Habermas, Jameson

6. The Valency of the Body: Nietzsche and Heidegger Redux

7. Bodypolitics: Foucault, Knowledge, and Power: The Body, Biopower, and Biopolitics

8. The Unconscious Body: Psychoanalysis, Sexuality, Feminism, and Postfeminism(s)

9. Deconstruction and the Body

10. Constructed Bodies; Sex and Gender; Gender and Performance

11. Constructed Bodies; Power and the Body; the Question of Materiality

12. Contested Constructions: Prohibition and Production

13. Subversive Bodily Acts

14. The Body and Constitutional Matrices

15. The Body as the Flesh of Culture

16. The Posthuman Body

17. The Coded Body: Biomedia

18. The Ethics of the Postman Body

19. The Sovereign Body: Homo Sacer

20. Bodies Without Organs

21. The Prosthetic Body

22. The Body and Death: Necro-Politics

23. The Cartographic Body

24. The Body and the Posthuman Environment